Enrollment Status Form

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Please keep us informed of your enrollment plans with Bay Path University so that we can provide the best possible support in helping you reach your educational goals.


Since you have indicated that you cannot begin your enrollment at this time, you will be contacted by your advisor, who will assist you in determining the right time to begin your coursework. 

You may also contact your advisor directly, or reach out to TAWC Advising at tawcadvising@baypath.edu or (413) 342-1144.


You have indicated that you wish to withdraw from the University and not return.

After your University withdrawal request is confirmed, you will be removed from all future course registrations. If you receive financial aid, adjustments to your financial aid award will occur. You will be withdrawn from the University as of your last date of attendance, and Student Financial Services will be notified accordingly. The University is obligated to inform the National Student Loan Center about the withdrawal. Based on this notification, you may be contacted regarding the beginning of loan repayment.  Student Financial Services will need to have an exit interview with you.  To reach Student Financial Services, please call (413) 565-1256 or (800) 782-PATH ext. 1256.  

We hope that you will consider returning to Bay Path at a later date. 

Students who have previously attended Bay Path University as degree candidates, and have not been enrolled at Bay Path University for over one year, must apply for readmission by contacting the Admissions Office. TAWC Admissions can be reached at tawcadmissions@baypath.edu or (413) 565-6822. 

Stop Out / Leave of Absence

Official Leave of Absence

An official leave of absence will only be considered in the following circumstances:

Serious student medical problems
Military duty (see section on military leaves of absence) 
Death or serious illness of an immediate family member

To request an official leave of absence, students must be in good academic standing and the submission of supporting documentation is required.

Should you wish to discuss these with Student Financial Services, please call (413) 565-1256 or (800) 782-PATH ext. 1256.

Please note that you must meet the criteria above and supply supporting documentation to be considered for an official Leave of Absence. If you select "Yes", the Registrar's Office will provide you with the official LOA request form via email.

LOA Follow-Up

Since you have asked to be considered for an official Leave of Absence, the TAWC Registrar's Office will contact you with further instructions and to discuss next steps.

If you have any questions regarding the LOA process, please contact the TAWC Registrar's Office via e-mail at tawcregistrar@baypath.edu, or via phone at (413) 565-6836.

Confirmation and Follow Up

Please be sure to consult with Student Financial Services and your academic advisor or admissions counselor when making changes to your enrollment, as these may have financial or academic impact:

TAWC Admissions: (413) 565-6822 or tawcadmissions@baypath.edu
Student Financial Services: (413) 565-1256 or sfs@baypath.edu
TAWC Advising: (413) 342-1144 or tawcadvising@baypath.edu